I had visited the GREEN PATH an organic mega store at Malleshwaram a couple of times. I had interacted with the owner Jayaram and was impressed with his passion towards organic and driving the world towards organic produce. When I pitched the idea of Zishta and our approach in working with traditional artisans, he motivated us immensely. He asked us to be part of some of the exhibitions they conduct to create more awareness among consumers. When we received a SMS from the GREEN PATH store, that we could participate in an exhibition during independence day weekend, we took it without batting an eyelid. Yet to completely build our supply chain and with only limited products in our portfolio, we still decided to be there. Our main objective was to meet customers, interact with them and understand the pulse and assess whether we at Zishta are getting carried away with something our customers don’t care about. The three days from August 13th to August 15th that we spent at the Organic Food Fair organised by the GREEN PATH was the most enriching experience for all of us. We got a chance to interact with thousands of customers who were passionate about reviving the traditional knowledge and were happy about us working directly with artisans and supporting their growth. Customers had tremendous knowledge about most of these products and access was limiting their adoption. Many felt the need to go natural and remove plastics from their homes which again fitted the vision of Zishta. Zishta’s role is clearly defined by our customers and our rural artisans. Understand our customers, work closely with the rural artisans and revive traditional knowledge and enable urban consumers in their journey towards a sustainable household. This is just the beginning and we are in the process of strengthening our supply chain with all our artisans. Hope to launch the website soon. Meanwhile our customers can continue to reach out to us on Facebook and order our products. A great beginning to Zishta, 100 + customers showing faith in us and we hope to continue and build a strong community of customers who strives towards a sustainable future.
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